"A Girl I Used To Know"

I saw Quinn today.

It's kind of amazing. Even after all this time, my first impulse was to go ask her if she wanted a soda. We were at the mall, and she was with her sister. I guess they were both home from those fancy colleges they go to. I think about me, going to Lawndale Junior College, and wonder what she'd ever want to have to do with a loser like me.

And then I think back to high school, and how she always pretended that Daria was her sister, even though we all knew better. But we humored her, because it was Quinn. In a way, she did the same thing to me--she never could remember my name. I think about Daria and me, both cast into the shadows of the cold light cast by Quinn's star.

I thought about going up to her. Then she saw me, and smiled at me. I smiled back, then ducked into a store, because I realized there was no point.

Bottom line--she's just a girl I used to know.